As you read, you would do this challenge to create stability AND success. Maybe you need one over the other or both! Nevertheless, if you find yourself feeling or saying anything like:
- I can’t afford to…
- I’m tired of being broke…
- I’m going to try to put myself on a budget…
- I want to work on the business but…
- Hopefully, I’ll be in a better place financially…
- I’ve been needing help for a while now. Just trying to figure out…
- I have been putting this off for a while now…
- I want to be more organized…
- My bills are paid, but I feel like I should be doing more…
- Honestly don’t really know what I’m doing…
- I really need to save for that trip…
- It’s time to get it right…
- I’m not good with finances…
- I need to see what my job….
- A part of me is afraid of investing…
- Last year I said…
- I want to set myself up for financial success…
- I want to be debt free so I can invest and live the life I envision…
- Need to get savvy with saving money for retirement…
- I want guidance on how to best utilize the finances I have…
- It’s just so much going on right now…
- To set my kids up for success without struggling like me…
- I was going to but something came up…
- If_____________, then
- I’ll_________________…
…then this challenge IS a good fit for you.